
Friday, November 23, 2018

The Truth Behind Trump's Caravan Propaganda

NERMEEN SHAIKH: President Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton just gave a major speech in Miami on U.S. policy in Latin America. Bolton described Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua as a “troika of tyranny,” saying, quote, “This triangle of terror stretching from Havana to Caracas to Managua is the cause of immense human suffering, the impetus of enormous regional instability and the genesis of a sordid cradle of communism in the Western Hemisphere.” Professor Chomsky, can you respond to that? “Troika of tyranny,” says John Bolton.
NOAM CHOMSKY: Well, that, of course, immediately brings to mind the “axis of evil” speech of George Bush back in 2002, which was the precursor, laying the groundwork, for the invasion of Iraq, the worst crime of this century, with horrendous consequences for Iraq, eliciting ethnic conflicts that are tearing the region apart—a major atrocity. John Bolton was behind that. And his new troika—I doubt that the U.S. will dare to do something similar, but that’s what it brings to mind.
It’s kind of interesting to see this hysterical raving alongside of another astonishing propaganda campaign that Bolton and his colleagues are carrying out with regard to the caravan of poor and miserable people fleeing from severe oppression, violence, terror, extreme poverty from three countries: Honduras—mainly Honduras, secondarily Guatemala, thirdly El Salvador—not Nicaragua, incidentally—three countries that have been under harsh U.S. domination, way back, but particularly since the 1980s, when Reagan’s terror wars devastated particularly El Salvador and Guatemala, secondarily Honduras. Nicaragua was attacked by Reagan, of course, but Nicaragua was the one country which had an army to defend the population. In the other countries, the army were the state terrorists, backed by the United States.
The most extreme source of migrants right now is Honduras. Why Honduras? Well, it was always bitterly oppressed. But in 2009, Honduras had a mildly reformist president, Mel Zelaya. The Honduran powerful, rich elite couldn’t tolerate that. A military coup took place, expelled him from the country. It was harshly condemned all through the hemisphere, with one notable exception: the United States. The Obama administration refused to call it a military coup, because if they had, they would have been compelled by law to withdraw military funding from the military regime, which was imposing a regime of brutal terror. Honduras became the murder capital of the world. A fraudulent election took place under the military junta—again, harshly condemned all over the hemisphere, most of the world, but not by the United States. The Obama administration praised Honduras for carrying out an election, moving towards democracy and so on. Now people are fleeing from the misery and horrors for which we are responsible.
And you have this incredible charade taking place, which the world is looking at with utter astonishment: Poor, miserable people, families, mothers, children, fleeing from terror and repression, for which we are responsible, and in reaction, they’re sending thousands of troops to the border. The troops being sent to the border outnumber the children who are fleeing. And with a remarkable PR campaign, they’re frightening much of the country into believing that we’re just on the verge of an invasion by, you know, Middle Eastern terrorists funded by George Soros, so on and so forth.
I mean, it’s all kind of reminiscent of something that happened 30 years ago. You may recall, in 1985, Ronald Reagan strapped on his cowboy boots and called—got in front of television, called a national emergency, because the Nicaraguan army was two days’ march from Harlingen, Texas, just about to overwhelm and destroy us. And it worked.
I mean, this spectacle is almost indescribable. Even apart from noticing where they’re coming from, the countries that we have crucially been involved in destroying, it’s—the ability to carry this off repeatedly is quite an amazing commentary on much of the popular culture.
But the troika, just like the “axis of evil,” are those who just don’t obey U.S. orders. Colombia, for example, has the worst human rights record in the hemisphere for years, but they’re not part of the troika of tyranny.
All of this rings very familiar bells. It’s a long—it’s been a long-standing element of the U.S. propaganda system on the—mostly on the far right, but not only, which goes way back and which is a kind of pathological feature of the dominant political culture that should be understood, analyzed and dismantled.
AMY GOODMAN: The world-renowned professor, linguist and dissident Noam Chomsky. We’ll return with him in a moment to talk about the twin threats of climate change and nuclear war.


Friday, July 20, 2018

Trump Tries To Normalize Putin - Impeachment March DC Summit 2

Our racist, lying, cheating, mentally ill president is now trying to normalize Russia's murderous autocrat. 

Trump thinks he can shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose a vote.  And I am ashamed to say that there are a certain amount of really stupid Americans who make this true.

How about the mother of all marches and a general strike to greet Trump's pal?

Sunday, July 15, 2018

World's Hearts Torn Apart

Minds programmed in fear
Cultures unconscious of love
World's Hearts Torn Apart

Haiku by John Randolph 7/15/2018

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Haiku Works Through You - Book by John Randolph

“Sacredness Of Life"

Behold breath divine
God's embraced by embracing
Sacredness Of Life

Writing haiku poems presents a bit of a paradox.  What one writes is limited to seventeen syllables typically in the form 5, 7, 5.   
Words themselves are limiting.  They can only refer to or point one to something or someone.  With words we attempt to represent “real” objects that never can be the object they represent i.e. the ink and paper describing the “Ruben Sandwich” on the menu can never taste the same as the real thing with the sauerkraut, corned beef, Swiss cheese and the 1000 island dressing on rye!

Although the analytical mind easily points to the limits of haiku, I nevertheless found something fascinating occurring as I spent more time writing.
The inspiration to write all of my haiku comes from something that is or was stirring inside of me.  That “stirring” (which was usually troubling thoughts or emotions) “called me” to write about it. 

In other words, I did not sit down to write a haiku.  Something stirred in me and called me to attempt to write about it.  Big difference.
Most times it took over an hour to take this undigested stirring and put it into haiku form.  Most times the stirring came from unsettling dreams or worries that filled my mind.  Most of the time these stirrings or disturbances came during the early morning hours.  More peaceful “stirrings” came in our hot tub or simply driving in the car.

What I write isn’t always “negative” or “heavy” or “troubling”.  I write about clouds, my wife, my dog, cool breezes and other mysteries of life and death. 
What I do know is that a shift in energy occurs within me every time I am able to write a haiku about something that was stirring within me. 

I also think that stepping back from something that is “undigested”, "stirring" in the body and/or “looping” in the mind and actually working with it – and trusting - resolves issues (or at least gives me a different perspective).  That is what the haiku process is for me.   

Does the right side of brain write the haiku using material held in the body that the left side of the brain isn’t incapable of digesting?  Or does the eventual languaging of the haiku come from or through one from outside of one’s self (Grace, God, Jesus, Spirit, etc.)?   

My guess is yes.  And whatever the cause is, it is magical!
So I say, give it a shot.  Like any other art form, it may take time.  And you may be surprised at the outcome.    

Finally please don't throw the baby out with the bath water if my haikus don't inspire you.  Write your own and in time you will be inspired!  

Please check out my "Haiku Works Through" facebook page 

Love and blessings to you all!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

When The Problem Is Profitized The People Pay

Seriously you have to dig much deeper than Washington's illegal immigration propaganda to understand this ongoing scam. 

It is a vicious circle. 

The elite who run the countries where the undocumented come from are in cahoots with elite who run ours.

Both sides profit from this border merry-go-round. 

Profit from cheep labor, trade agreements, remittances, drug profits, political careers and billions for US border security industrial complex (that never quite gets the job done, no?) are the normalized status quo.

And the poor coming from the undocumented's countries are just as much in this insidious game as are the American taxpayers who pay for and suffer the consequences too.

Tell me.  Do you ever wonder why Washington does not directly address the leaders of the undocumented's countries and get down to solving this problem?

Washington gives billions in aid to all countries involved.  Washington has trade agreements with all countries involved.  Washington is supposedly friendly with all "democratic" countries involved.

Yet as a retired US Border Patrol/ICE agent and someone who has studied this problem for forty years, why in God's name has not one president ever gone to the leaders of the undocumented's countries and demanded that they solve this problem and take care of their own citizens?

All of us have to have enough courage to question the motivations of our own government. 

There is zero evidence that not only Washington, but any of the governments involved actually put the welfare of their own citizens first.  



Sunday, June 17, 2018

The US Illegal Immigration "Problem": Who Pays The Price And Who Profits

Somewhere in our continuing, decades-old illegal immigration debate lies the ugly truth about this "problem".

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....”
Noam Chomsky,
The Common Good

I wonder if Noam Chomsky's "spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum...." applies to our political debate and Washington's narrative about illegal immigration?

I think it does.  Ask yourself - what is and has been Washington's narrative or "spectrum of acceptable opinion" about illegal immigration?  What is yours?  Isn't  the commonly held Democratic stance "let them all in"?  Isn't the commonly held Republican stance "kick - and keep them all out"?  Aren't they both as applicable as ever?     

Tell me how that is working for you America?

Could that ugly truth be that Washington's illegal immigration debate purposely does not address the actual causes of illegal immigration and therefore will never bring about actual solutions to the problem?  And aren't there billions of tax dollars being spent and billions of dollars being made as this problem remains the same?

I write with the hope that what I say might inspire others to think about what Washington and its politicians keep telling us all about illegal immigration.  I write from my twenty-six years of experience (1979-2005) as a US Border Patrol/ICE agent.

I have a bunch of illegal immigration questions for you .  When I write "this problem" I am referring to our illegal immigration issues in the US:

Who profits from this problem not being solved?
How much money is pumped back into Mexico's (Central America's, etc.) economy because of  this problem (and that of cartel drug profits too)?
How many political careers have been made because of or due to this problem?
How many US corporations at home and abroad profit from illegal labor and this problem?
How many billions of US tax dollars are annually pumped into the US border/drug enforcement industrial complex because of this problem?
How many people die (undocumented, documented and citizens) at home and abroad because of this problem?
Have you or someone you have known hired an undocumented person to work for you? (My answer is of course "yes").
Is it possible that the elite running the undocumented's government and the elite running the US government profit from this problem while citizen's from both countries pay the price?
Do you think that undocumented people would come here if they could make a decent wage at home?
Do you think "Trump's Wall" will stop illegal drugs and people from coming into the US?
Do you think that Mexico's economy would collapse if the US actually stopped illegal aliens and drugs?
Do you have any idea of how our own economic policies (NAFTA, CAFTA) exacerbate this problem? 
Do you know what the largest retail store is in Mexico?
Do you know what NAFTA did to Mexico's poorest corn farmers?
Do you know what the federal minimum wage is in Mexico? 
Do you know how many Mexican journalists are killed each year because of their reporting about narco violence or government corruption?
Do you know how many American corporations have factories in Mexico and depend upon Mexican labor?
Have you seen this story about US Border Patrol corruption?
Do you see any similarities between this problem and our 40+ year long, on going, failed "Drug War"?
Do you ever wonder why the US Bracero Program worked but then was stopped?
Do you know who really pays the price for this problem and who really profits from this problem? 
Do you think wealthy politicians have to stand in long emergency room lines or send their kids to over-crowded schools?
Have you considered the idea that our problem is actually a microcosm of a global problem that is  caused by a global disparity in wealth not unlike that in America?
Why do we seldom if ever hear Washington having highly publicized, emergency meetings with the presidents and leaders of the undocumented's countries in order to work out solutions to this problem? 
Why doesn't Washington sanction the undocumented's governments over this problem until they start taking care of their own citizens?

Because of this problem I saw a young undocumented man fall to his death as we were chasing him.  I also lost two collogues - friends -  while trying to enforce laws due to this problem.  I saw several people get seriously hurt and was almost seriously hurt myself - due to this problem.  I felt the insanity of chasing people around in fields while they were there putting food on American tables.  I saw massive fraud swept under Washington's rug because Reagan's "Amnesty" program needed to be politically successful.  

And yes due to this problem my wife and I enjoy the wonderful benefits of a wonderful government retirement program.  

And I still suffer from PTSD with recurring nightmares.  Nightmares that focus on the insanity of it all more than the actual danger of the work.

And yes, for a naïve and sensitive Southern California boy, this problem has forever changed his life.

PS If you want something to really challenge what you have been taught or told: 
Here is a study about how US and world war and economic exploitation have exacerbated the global immigration crisis:

Friday, February 23, 2018

US Border Patrol Overtime Abuse

Here is the truth about this.  Read all of the comments.
In 2014 the swept it under the rug again.

Monday, February 5, 2018

The Bracero Program and Trump's Wall
The Bracero Program, which brought millions of Mexican guest workers to the United States, ended more than four decades ago. Current debates about immigration policy-including discussions about a new guest worker program-have put the program back in the news and made it all the more important to understand this chapter of American history. Yet while top U.S. and Mexican officials re- examine the Bracero Program as a possible model, most Americans know very little about the program, the nation's largest experiment with guest workers. Indeed, until very recently, this important story has been inadequately documented and studied, even by scholars.
The Bracero Program grew out of a series of bi-lateral agreements between Mexico and the United States that allowed millions of Mexican men to come to the United States to work on, short-term, primarily agricultural labor contracts. From 1942 to 1964, 4.6 million contracts were signed, with many individuals returning several times on different contracts, making it the largest U.S. contract labor program. An examination of the images, stories, documents and artifacts of the Bracero Program contributes to our understanding of the lives of migrant workers in Mexico and the United States, as well as our knowledge of, immigration, citizenship, nationalism, agriculture, labor practices, race relations, gender, sexuality, the family, visual culture, and the Cold War era.
The Bracero Program was created by executive order in 1942 because many growers argued that World War II would bring labor shortages to low-paying agricultural jobs. On August 4, 1942 the United States concluded a temporary intergovernmental agreement for the use of Mexican agricultural labor on United States farms (officially referred to as the Mexican Farm Labor Program), and the influx of legal temporary Mexican workers began. But the program lasted much longer than anticipated. In 1951, after nearly a decade in existence, concerns about production and the U.S. entry into the Korean conflict led Congress to formalize the Bracero Program with Public Law 78.
The Bracero Program was controversial in its time. Mexican nationals, desperate for work, were willing to take arduous jobs at wages scorned by most Americans. Farm workers already living in the United States worried that braceros would compete for jobs and lower wages. In theory, the Bracero Program had safeguards to protect both Mexican and domestic workers for example, guaranteed payment of at least the prevailing area wage received by native workers; employment for three-fourths of the contract period; adequate, sanitary, and free housing; decent meals at reasonable prices; occupational insurance at employer's expense; and free transportation back to Mexico at the end of the contract. Employers were supposed to hire braceros only in areas of certified domestic labor shortage, and were not to use them as strikebreakers. In practice, they ignored many of these rules and Mexican and native workers suffered while growers benefited from plentiful, cheap, labor. Between the 1940s and mid 1950s, farm wages dropped sharply as a percentage of manufacturing wages, a result in part of the use of braceros and undocumented laborers who lacked full rights in American society.

Speaking as a retired US Border Patrol Agent:
The Bracero program worked fine until Washington and Mexico's politicians, corporate America and the US Border enforcement industrial complex decided they could make billions more in profits by keeping workers illegal.  This evolved into NAFTA and pumping billions of tax dollars into an enforcement complex that is designed to be ineffective (40 year long drug war included).  Look at the decades-long political careers being made arguing "let them in or keep them out".  This narrative which many voters believe is designed to be circular and ineffective. 

 Do you not think the political elites of Mexico and the US are in cahoots and cashing in with this?  Think of all of the money being pumped back into Mexico (illegal drug profits and remittances).  Think of US industries in Mexico profiting from cheap labor and arms sales.  Think of how happy Mexico is to have some 6 million of their citizens risking their lives to cross the border and send money home.

Meanwhile American taxpayers foot the bills for the undocumented using US schools and hospitals.  In some cases Americans suffer the unwelcome demographic changes to their home towns.    


So Trump's wall to some looks like the solution.  For those of us who have studied this and actually worked on the border we know how this US/Mexico merry-go-round works.  We have heard all of this propaganda (from both sides) before.  Meanwhile the Washington narrative that only focuses upon "keeping them out or letting them in" does not deal with the bi-national elites' greed factor that screws not only the undocumented but American tax payers too.