
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dangling the Enforcement Carrot in front of American Burro Voters' Eyes

Blaming a symptom and not addressing the cause will not change anything.  That is like blaming the economic recession upon the unqualified mortgage holders who took out housing loans that were doomed to fail.  Who profited from that nightmare and at whose expense? The greed of the elite on both sides of the border is the cause of undocumented people coming here.  The US elite are partially responsible.  NAFTA ruined many small businesses and farms in Mexico.  US maquiladoras pay about 8 dollars a day, and no one can survive on that.  Consider the bigger picture of US/Mex trade, oil, and the demand for labor.  Consider that US banks profit by laundering cartel profits. Consider that the US military industrial complex profits by selling arms to the Mexican government, while US gun manufactures profit by selling weapons to the cartels.  The entire issue of illegal immigration is so much bigger than meets the eye, yet that is what many voters focus upon.  Have you spent time at a busy US Port of Entry like El Paso or San Diego?  Border wide there are tens of thousands of cars, trucks, and people crossing daily in both directions.  These cross border economies are dependant upon each other, and it is impossible to stop illegal aliens or drugs from being smuggled into the US. The way to stop Mexicans from crossing illegally is for Washington to force the corrupt, cartel Mexican government to take care of its own people.  The only way Washington will act is if Americans wake up and force them to act.   Otherwise, we will continue footing the bill while the elite profit, and their politicians will keep dangling the enforcement carrot in front of the American burro voters' eyes.  

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Power of Organization

The Power of Organization

I don’t think that the estimated eleven or twelve million undocumented Mexicans living within the U.S. realize how much power that they have and could have if they organized as a group.  The same holds true for those in Mexico who have been persecuted from the violence of the U.S./Mexican drug war.  

Forty thousand drug war deaths in Mexico have created the conditions by which there is at least some recent U.S. immigration court recognition that Mexicans fleeing narco violence are eligible for US asylum. 
If Mexicans on both sides of the border acted en masse and in unison and peacefully applied for asylum, they would create (needless to say) quite a stir.  They make world wide headlines.  US immigration asylum processing, detention, and court systems would be in chaos. 

These undocumented in effect could force Washington’s hand on immigration reform and on the war on drugs.   Washington would have to act, especially when the idea really catches on.

Is this risky for the undocumented?  Yes, very risky.    There are substantial costs involved in hiring immigration attorneys and posting immigration bonds.  They would have to “come out of the shadows” and put themselves and their families in a position to be formally deported.

Are there possible positive outcomes for the undocumented in taking this risk?   Yes.  They may be granted work authorization while their asylum cases are pending.  Washington may have to compromise because of the tremendous amounts of money and time involved in handling all of these cases.   Washington may even see this as an opportunity to humanly and successfully deal with the eleven or twelve million undocumented living within the US. 

Ultimately U.S. immigration courts may rule in the undocumented’s’ favor.  The undocumented and their families may be allowed to live in the U.S. as lawfully admitted permanent residents.   

The war on drugs could end.  The U.S. and Mexican governments may be forced to create immigration and drug policies that actually work for the benefits of both countries’ citizens.  

Mexican Police Capture Top La Familia Drug Suspect

Is it possible that Calderon is using our tax dollars via Merida Funding in an attempt to wipe out cartel competition?

Isn't it interesting that our government weapons contractors arm Calderon, and our US gun manufactures help arm the cartels?     

Based upon no facts whatsoever, I believe that Calderon is on Chapo Guzman's quota.

I will stand corrected when and if Chapo is arrested and prosecuted. jajajajajjjjajjjjjaaaa

And Washington cheers Calderon while turning a blind eye to 40,000 dead, government corruption, and the massive civil rights violations of the Mexican military?

Mexican oil, trade, maquiladoras, labor, and drugs come before human life and US taxpayer's hard earned dinero.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Texas Legal Case Opens Door For Mexican Asylum Seekers

Photo credit: Angela Rutherford

More than 21,000 Mexicans have sought asylum in the United States since President Felipe Calderón initiated a head-on war against drug cartels in 2006. Yet, in that time less than 4% of applicants have been approved. More asylum seekers now stand a better chance thanks to a little-known legal case out of Texas. Hernán Rozemberg of our Fronteras Desk has the story.
June 16, 2011 · He never aspired to anything heroic, but he is proud of always maintaining his integrity and moral values. As he witnessed his country crumbling due to the growing power and influence of drug cartels, he realized he could put his knowledge and expertise to help his government fight organized crime. While he does not regret the decision, there were many moments he was unsure he would live to tell.
“The truth is that I’m free; I’m safe. That’s the main thing.”
This 44-year-old Mexican citizen agreed to tell his story only if he remains anonymous. Not even specifics about his line of work in Mexico can be revealed. Because he was well known in Mexico for assisting law enforcement, he believes if his identify or whereabouts are disclosed, he will be found and killed.
He speaks from experience. It all started with what he naively thought were empty threats.
“They were telling me we’re going to fry your balls, we’re gonna kill you,” he said.
He survived a kidnapping and four assassination attempts.
“There’s no way to describe it, the feeling that you have when they are telling you that you’re going to die. You know your life is in their hands, so I was begging, begging for my life.”
It was in such grisly detail that he described his tale of survival in a federal immigration court in Texas last month. To the layman, it could seem like an open and shut case. The man should get asylum; if sent back to Mexico, he would be killed.
Many lawyers refused to take his case because he has a prior deportation on his record. Therefore, he had to meet an even higher threshold of proof to meet asylum eligibility requirements. In the end, however, Texas attorney Juan Gonzalez represented him in court, and the immigration judge was convinced.
“I think that’s what the judge saw, that this individual was working with law enforcement, but not working for or could be identified as law enforcement,” said Gonzalez.
The difference may be subtle, but it has tremendous legal implications. The vast majority of asylum cases involving Mexican law enforcement officers have been rejected.
William Humble represents a former Juárez cop who applied for asylum in Dallas in January.
“Government attorneys are opposed to these cases, and the judges are persuaded by that opposition. The line of reasoning goes like this: The harm that you suffered in Mexico is not persecution. It’s the life you chose when you signed up to be a police officer," said Humble.
That is what makes this latest case so unique. In an unprecedented move, the judge approved the application based on social group status — the group including anyone working with Mexican law enforcement to combat organized crime. A new door is now open for others, such as military contract drivers and suppliers, or private investigators hired to assist government agents.
Steven Yale-Loehr is an asylum expert at Cornell University Law School.
“It gives hope to other people that if they have the same kind of facts, they may be able to win asylum or other relief in the United States,” Yale-Loehr.
Yet, the ruling sets a precedent opposed by federal officials. Yale-Loehr says it is no coincidence that the approval rate for Mexican asylum seekers has always been extremely low.
“We fear that if we give too many people asylum from Mexico, we’ll start a flood of people trying to come into this country,” Yale-Loehr.
Publicly, at least, the Homeland Security Department is not talking about the Texas case. Prosecutors declined to comment, citing ongoing litigation. It remains unknown if they will appeal the ruling. Meanwhile, the Mexican man who won the case is joyous he gets to remain safe north of the border. There’s nothing more he would like, however, than to erase the recent nightmarish years and start over back home.
“I hope, and I pray things in Mexico change. It’s not going to be easy. But I hope it happens one day. Then I can go back to my country.”

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lots of Promises - Little Change

Generally speaking, Republicans tout and wave the immigration enforcement flag and Democrats tout and wave the immigration compassion flag, while little if any true change happens. 

I think that the truth is that the elite super rich run both parties.  That elite and their Mexican counterparts profit from our failed immigration and drug policies. 

They profit from raping not only the good US taxpayers, but our good Mexican counterparts too.  

So around and around the political rhetoric and propaganda go.  I have watched this (and used to work in it) for some 35 years. 

Immigration reform is about our politicians making lots of promises and never quite fulfilling them.  Meanwhile, if you look deep enough into such issues as NAFTA, trade, oil, and drug profits, you can discover what the scam really is, and who is paying the price.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Mexican National Wins Social Group Status

Texas Immigration Lawyer

Supporting the Immigrant Community

Mexican National Wins Social Group Status

In a resounding victory, a Mexican National escaping the drug violence in Mexico wins Withholding of Removal as a member of a social group that suffered past persecution. In an unprecedented decision, the Immigration Judge granted withholding of removal pursuant to Section 241(b)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act to a Mexican National targeted by the drug cartels in Mexico for his work against their drug trafficking activities. Due to the sensitive nature of this decision and the specific circumstances under which this decision was granted, details of the decision will not be disclosed.
The Immigration Judge found that because the Mexican National participated in and work with the Mexican police to prevent the trafficking of drugs into the United States, but was not a member of the Mexican police or could be associated with the law enforcement authorities, he met the requirements for persecution on account of a particular social group. The Immigration Judge in a twenty page opinion, detailed the evidence that supported the finding that the Mexican National should be granted relief pursuant to Section 241(b)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.
In the opinion the Immigration Judge emphasized that the evidence shows that the Mexican National’s life or freedom would be threaten if returned to Mexico. In fact, the Immigration Judge pointed out that “the country conditions documentation in the record indicated that drug violence in Mexico has increased since [Mexican National] fled his country… as the brutality and violence used to silence individuals who are perceived to be against or interfering with the operations of the cartels.” The Immigration Judge stated that even internal relocation would be a problem because ” the country conditions documentation supports the proposition that many Mexican officials in law enforcement are corrupt and assisting the drug cartels.” Finally, the Immigration Judge reiterated that “drug related violence in Mexico is a countrywide phenomenon. Even the Department of State has urged American Citizens to use extreme caution when traveling to Mexico.”
As the violence escalates in Mexico, we must work to ensure that Mexican Nationals who are victims of the criminal enterprise and the corrupt government officials have an opportunity to seek refuge in the United States. This is a small step and victory for those who are fleeing the violence.
Written by Juan Gonzalez
June 2, 2011 at 10:34 pm