
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Haiku Works Through You - Book by John Randolph

“Sacredness Of Life"

Behold breath divine
God's embraced by embracing
Sacredness Of Life

Writing haiku poems presents a bit of a paradox.  What one writes is limited to seventeen syllables typically in the form 5, 7, 5.   
Words themselves are limiting.  They can only refer to or point one to something or someone.  With words we attempt to represent “real” objects that never can be the object they represent i.e. the ink and paper describing the “Ruben Sandwich” on the menu can never taste the same as the real thing with the sauerkraut, corned beef, Swiss cheese and the 1000 island dressing on rye!

Although the analytical mind easily points to the limits of haiku, I nevertheless found something fascinating occurring as I spent more time writing.
The inspiration to write all of my haiku comes from something that is or was stirring inside of me.  That “stirring” (which was usually troubling thoughts or emotions) “called me” to write about it. 

In other words, I did not sit down to write a haiku.  Something stirred in me and called me to attempt to write about it.  Big difference.
Most times it took over an hour to take this undigested stirring and put it into haiku form.  Most times the stirring came from unsettling dreams or worries that filled my mind.  Most of the time these stirrings or disturbances came during the early morning hours.  More peaceful “stirrings” came in our hot tub or simply driving in the car.

What I write isn’t always “negative” or “heavy” or “troubling”.  I write about clouds, my wife, my dog, cool breezes and other mysteries of life and death. 
What I do know is that a shift in energy occurs within me every time I am able to write a haiku about something that was stirring within me. 

I also think that stepping back from something that is “undigested”, "stirring" in the body and/or “looping” in the mind and actually working with it – and trusting - resolves issues (or at least gives me a different perspective).  That is what the haiku process is for me.   

Does the right side of brain write the haiku using material held in the body that the left side of the brain isn’t incapable of digesting?  Or does the eventual languaging of the haiku come from or through one from outside of one’s self (Grace, God, Jesus, Spirit, etc.)?   

My guess is yes.  And whatever the cause is, it is magical!
So I say, give it a shot.  Like any other art form, it may take time.  And you may be surprised at the outcome.    

Finally please don't throw the baby out with the bath water if my haikus don't inspire you.  Write your own and in time you will be inspired!  

Please check out my "Haiku Works Through" facebook page 

Love and blessings to you all!

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