
Monday, January 21, 2019

Trump's Wall - You Can't Get To There From Here

As a retired US Border Patrol/INS/ICE agent I say:

There are no walls or laws that will stop undocumented hungry people or the illegal drugs people are hungry for.

Washington’s border and drug enforcement narratives ignore this premise as corporate cronies profit from Washington’s decades-old, insolvable enforcement policies.

Washington’s corrupt cronies who run the undocumented’s governments profit too.  

Reminds me of the old saying “You can’t get to there from here”.

Until all governments involved address why their own citizens go hungry for food or why their own citizens use or sell illegal drugs -  this insidious border fiasco will never end.   

Until American citizens educate themselves and answer why billions of US tax dollars are annually being pumped into corporate coffers based solely upon people’s hunger for food or addictions to drugs - nothing will change.    

PS  I forgot to mention the most disturbing aspect of Washington's immigration/drug enforcement  injustices. 

How many people die crossing the border each year?  How many people are slaughtered each year because of the US backed drug wars in Mexico and Central America?  How many US citizens die or are jailed because of the US drug epidemic du jour?   

"Oh it's the undocumented's faults".  "Oh it's the drug users' faults".  "Oh it's Mexico's fault."  "Oh it's America's fault." 

How about it being all governments' faults as they turn their backs on their own citizens in order to turn a profit for their corrupt corporate cronies?

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