
Sunday, January 26, 2020

Yes - We Have Met the Enemy Pogo

We have a corrupt, two party "democracy", run by the 1% elite controlling both sides, which fosters or actually depends upon the two sides fighting with and hating each other. 

The results of this rigged "democracy"? 

The American dream is for all intense purposes - gone. Average working people can barely afford to buy a home and send their kids to college. Meanwhile, that said elite continues to enrich itself at the tax payers' expense. We The People scream about Trump, or the liberals, or the Clintons, or the Democrats, or the Republicans, or the undocumented, or the Muslims, or guns or terrorists etc. while politicians from both sides (who supposedly work for us) enrich themselves from this insanity too. 

Meet our American version of an oligarchy. 

I dare say these mass protests that are taking place in the world are a result of this same issue - government corruption. The kids in Hong Kong are being arrested and taken away to God knows where and to what horrible fate. The French have tried to shut down their country's transportation systems because of corruption. Protestors in mid-eastern countries are being shot- due to corruption.

Meanwhile - who meets in Davos and calls the shots while the disparity in wealth continues to expand globally?

We have met the enemy pogo - and it is us. We need to understand the big picture here because it is not what CNN or Fox is spewing.

One final note.  I am very concerned about how today's politics have deeply divided friends, families  and our nation.  How could so many good, intelligent people see and believe the same situations or sets of facts in such completely not only different but angry ways?

Most importantly of all -  we need to ask even more difficult questions.  Who benefits most from such destructive divisions?  Could this chaos be by design?

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