
Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Occupy Movement and Failed Immigration

I am really excited about the occupy movement because we are taking on the 1%’s corporate corruption and control of our government. Similar movements are happening in Mexico too. BTW, I primarily focus upon Mexican immigration because they are our direct neighbors and make up close to 50% of the undocumented in the US. Of course the 1% profiteers of many countries force members of their 99% to migrate to survive too. IMHO all undocumented are members of the 99%.

At some point the occupy movement will affect failed immigration because failed immigration is part of the 1%’s control of government.

I foresee the 99% peacefully occupying the US Mexican border. Interrupting the 1%’s one billion dollars a day trade will get their attention. I also think that all Mexicans who have been persecuted by the US backed drug war should apply for US asylum (protection). That includes the persecuted people in Mexico and the persecuted undocumented who are in the US too.
Does not America supply the demand and weapons that fuel “their” war? How many people (including US agents) have to die before these two governments come to their senses?  Do you know that since 2006 close to 60,000 people have been killed in the US backed drug war in Mexico?

Of course US immigration courts have a horrible record of granting Mexicans asylum. Yet what would our government do if it suddenly had to deal with say one million (costly) Mexican asylum applications? Would the 1% (who runs both governments) suffer worldwide embarrassment and be put in a position to actually address the problem?  

1 comment:

  1. Not only have 60,000 people died in Mexico since President Calderón started his version of the drug war, but actually throughout the Americas we are seeing incredible levels of violence.

    Of the 100 cities with the most per capita murders, ninety-five are in the Americas. Of the top ten, five are in Mexico.

    Note that it's not until we get to number 34 (Cape Town, South Africa) that we get a city that is not in the Americas.

    How much of this is attributable to the drug war? How much of this is attributable to the inequitable distribution of wealth in the Americas? None of these problems is helped by the availability of cheap weapons, and the United States gun industry--as well as U.S. policy--has to bear some responsibility. The citizens of Juarez, Mexico have recently put up a sign asking for "No More Weapons." The sign is in English and is directed toward the north.

    However, a tree this big must have some very deep roots. I think we need to ask ourselves why this is happening here.
