
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Senator McCain And The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Are Immigration Reform Hypocrites

In response:

Senator McCain And The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Are Immigration Reform Hypocrites

Of course McCain is going to fight for amnesty.  Amnesty guarantees that the undocumented will keep coming to America so that McCain and his border security industrial cronies will keep cashing in on the undocumenteds' illegal immigration.      

Take the time to read McCain's Gang of 8's S. 744: Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act that McCain's Senate shysters passed in June of last year:
Just scroll down to Section 6 "Comprehensive Reform Funding" (a)(2)(A) to see the initial $46.3 billion tax payer price tag.
But wait!  There's More!

 For extra corrupt Arizona McCain pork notice the 200 million for Arizona Prosecutions (S.744 Section 6 (a)(3)(C)(2)(B)(i) referenced in 1104(a)(1) and 200 million more for Arizona's and FEMA "Operation Stonegarden" (S.744 Section 6 (a)(3)(C)(2)(B)(ii) referenced in Section 1104(b).

 On one hand McCain wants to fight until his last breath for Amnesty and the other he wants to put more of the undocumented in jail?  Did the members of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce bother to read the insidious S.744 fine print?  Or do they too not really not care about anything else other than the using the undocumented for profit?

How can the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce simultaneously agree to more border prosecutions and prison sentences from the above and S.744's Section 2101 "Registration and Adjustment of Registered Provisional Immigrants" which sentences the undocumented to 13 more years of labor peonage for a provisional (subject to change) chance at US citizenship?

Until Washington's insidious system of profit/labor driven illegal immigration requiring profit/labor driven immigration reform (amnesty) are exposed "amnesty" in any form must be rejected.


Friday, March 28, 2014

Washington And Biden Cash In By Throwing America's Quality Of Life Under The Immigration Reform Bus

In response:

Washington And Biden Cash In By Throwing America's Quality Of Life Under The Immigration Reform Bus

The subtitles to this article read: 
Biden: Undocumented immigrants 'already Americans'
VP calls immigration reform a financial game-changer
Mr. Biden simultaneously uses the undocumented to push for immigration reform while ripping off US taxpayers for an initial "immigration reform" cost of 46.3 billion dollars.  Read Section 6 of the Senate's already passed S. 744: Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act:
What do you suppose is the message being sent to the next wave of millions of undocumented? 
Do you suppose Mr. Biden cares about those who will die crossing the border as they too will believe his words as Washington simultaneously pours billions of our tax dollars into tighter border security?
Do you suppose Mr. Biden or his family have to stand in line with the undocumented in overcrowded hospital emergency rooms?  Or that Mr. Biden has ever lost a job to an undocumented competitor?  Or that the demographics of Mr. Biden's small home town have been rapidly and unfairly changed for the worse forever?    
No.  Mr. Biden lives way above all of that.
Please read Mr. Biden's glowing speech to the Mexican NAFTA economic elite made on September 20 2013:
Not one word said about the disparities of wealth in Mexico or the US.  Not one word said about the US backed drug war in Mexico that to date has slaughtered 130,000 people.  Just glowing visions of economic unity and promises of taking care of the (Mexican) undocumented.

For another reality check read how our own US Department of State raves about our economic relations with Mexico.  Pay particular attention to the 1.25 billion dollars a day the bi-national NAFTA elite share:


Bi-nationally Government Sponsored Corruption and Murder - AKA The Mexican Drug War

In response:

Bi-nationally Government Sponsored Corruption and Murder - AKA The Mexican Drug War 

The US-led "war for drugs" in Mexico is nothing but a US style, government sponsored, corporate (cartel) takeover - Mexican style.   The quote in the article above referring to  the number of people killed at 80,000 is way off. 

Make that 135,000 people slaughtered.

And how does the US elite reward their Mexican puppet Drug War President Calderon who used his own cartel-run military to start this insane slaughter of people in 2006? 

How about a year and one half's long lucrative fellowship at none other that Harvard University with  Harvard (thanks to Bill Clinton and Gianna Angelopoulos) handing Calderon their First Angelopoulos Global Leader Award.

Can government sponsored corruption, murder and the NAFTA raping of good people on both sides of the border get any more obvious than this?

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Illegal Immigration And Illegal Drug Enforcement: Billions In Profits Through "Planned Ineffectiveness"

Illegal Immigration And Illegal Drug Enforcement:  Billions In Profits Through "Planned Ineffectiveness"

I remember hearing the term "planned obsolescence" back in college in 1970.  My understanding of it is that manufacturers purposely design products to break sooner rather than later.  That of course means higher profits through higher sales.  Here is a more in depth discussion of the term "planned obsolescence":

After 26 years with the US Border Patrol/INS/ICE and another 9 years of Mexican Drug War and immigration related studies in retirement, I have come to the conclusion that both systems make billions in profit through a spin-off of planned obsolesce:  "planned ineffectiveness". 

In other words Washington simultaneously makes laws against illegal drugs and illegal immigration while insidiously knowing and planning that corporate profits will be made by the ineffective or impossible-to-enforce illegal immigration and illegal drug laws. 

The FY 2014 DHS budget for US Customs and Border Protection (including the US Border Patrol) is 12.9 billion dollars.

Now Washington is attempting to shove "immigration reform" down our throats with an initial start- up cost of 46.3 billion dollars?  See Section 6 of the Senate's (already passed) S. 744: Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act

Tell me how anyone can make sense out of US border and interior enforcement when we have 11.2 million undocumented in the US?  11.2 million despite Reagan's 1986 Amnesty, Clinton's 1994 NAFTA, and Bush's 2003 creation of DHS -  all of which promised to control illegal immigration?

Meanwhile The White House is requesting 25.4 billion dollars for their FY 2014 National Drug Strategy?

Tell me how else anyone can make sense out of a 40+ year long, one trillion dollar "drug war" that produces the largest prison population in the world while not reducing the quantity or quality of illegal street drugs one iota?

Anyone who does not think that US corporations do not profit off of illegal labor and US banks do not profit off of laundering cartel drug profits is extremely naïve.

Face it folks - there is no "never-ending big money" to be made in solving illegal immigration.  Cheap labor and ineffective (yet highly profitable) enforcement tax dollars are more important than the quality of lives of US citizens and/or the undocumented.

There is also no "never ending big money" to be made in solving our illegal drug problems.   Washington's drug enforcement industrial complex simultaneously cashes in on taxpayer boodle and illicit drug "dark money".

Time to wake up and smell the coffee folks.  This corruption is insidiously real.  


Immigration Reform: Human Beings Insidiously Profiting From The Suffering Of Human Beings

In response:

Immigration Reform:  Human Beings Insidiously Profiting From The Suffering Of Human Beings

I make the above statement using this definition of the intransitive verb "to profit":  2. To derive advantage; benefit

US corporations and businesses profit from labor provided by the undocumented.  The undocumented suffer from family separations, border crossing deaths, hatred in the US, and continued deportations.  US citizens suffer because of jobs lost to the undocumented.  US citizens also suffer because of over-crowded hospital emergency rooms and unfair demographic changes to their home towns.

The undocumenteds' home country elite profit from billions of dollars in remittances sent back home by the US undocumented.  The undocumented suffer as they are in effect exported by their own government in exchange for remittances.

11.2 million undocumented will profit from immigration reform while said immigration reform will cause the suffering of millions of more undocumented who leave their homes to enter the US illegally.

The Corrections Corporation of America profits by the incarceration of the undocumented.  The undocumented suffer incarcerations and US taxpayers foot the bills.

The undocumented and their advocates profit from immigration reform while they ignore the very poverty that causes suffering in the undocumenteds' own home countries.

Immigration reform will bring profit to Washington's crony border security industrial corporations while American taxpayers will continue to suffer the costs and consequences of  ineffective (yet extremely profitable) border and interior immigration enforcement.

Washington's immigration reform politicians will profit by political gain while the majority of US taxpayers who are promised effective border control will again be ripped off.

The Mexican and US NAFTA elite will continue to share 1.25 billion dollars in cross border trade while the average citizens of both nations will continue to suffer disparities in wealth and poverty. 


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Eventually Americans and The Undocumented Must Stand United Against Their Mutual Immigration Abusers

In response:

Eventually Americans and The Undocumented Must Stand United Against Their Mutual Immigration Abusers

The undocumented are pawns in Washington's corporate elite's game of  exchanging 13 years of undocumented labor peonage for possible "reform" citizenship.  Meanwhile Washington's current reform bribery does nothing to stop or address the exact circumstances of poverty that brought not only this group of 11.2 million undocumented here but with certainty will bring millions more.

The continued border deaths of their country men, women, and children will be on this current group of undocumenteds' hands as they selfishly and shamefully accept reform bribery without saying one word in protest about the circumstances of their home-country families and friends who will follow.

Mainstream Americans are also pawns in this game as they remain completely dumbed-down to Washington's insidious system of profitized illegal immigration and profitized immigration reform.  They too sell their souls to Washington immigration political profiteers who - despite multiple billions more for "border security" -  have no intentions of changing this decades-long, labor enrichment immigration status quo.

As with Washington's 40+ year long "Drug War" the enforcement side of illegal immigration has become institutionalized to remain ineffective yet highly profitable.

All of the profit is in the "fight" not in a real solution.  Reagan's Amnesty and Nixon's "War On Drugs" are both living testimonies to that.

The continued deaths of American citizens at the hands of the minority of hardened undocumented criminals will be on Mainstream America's hands too.  Anyone paying attention to this insidious game knows that as the "economic undocumented" continue to cross the border so too will those actual hardened undocumented criminals. 

It appears that the continued deaths of undocumented border crossers and US citizens (at the hands of the hardened undocumented criminals) are Washington's "cost of doing business" with perpetual promises of immigration reform that can not and will not not solve illegal immigration.


The Ungodly, Inhumane Truths Of Illegal Immigration And Immigration Reform

In response:

The Ungodly, Inhumane Truths Of Illegal Immigration And Immigration Reform

Large American corporations, small businesses and individuals greedily benefit from hiring the undocumented for cheap labor.

The elite who run the economies of undocumenteds' home countries prosper from billions of dollars in annual remittances being sent home by their US undocumented.

Washington's NAFTA and CAFTA have exacerbated disparities in wealth in Latin America and Latin American illegal immigration to the US.

The Corrections Corporation of America is a privatized, "for profit" immigration prison system that has bed space for 34,000 undocumented charging US taxpayers about $125 per inmate per night.

The initial tax payer price tag for the Senate's S. 744: Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (Comprehensive Immigration Reform) is 46.3 billion dollars.  See Section 6

Advocates for the undocumented and immigration reform selfishly ignore and refuse to address that the poverty of the undocumenteds' home counties is the root cause of illegal immigration.

Advocates for immigration reform selfishly ignore that Washigton's current immigration reform purposely does not address that the undocumenteds' home-country poverty will inevitably increase illegal immigration to the US with accompanying border crossing deaths. 

The US and Mexican economic elite share 1.25 billion dollars a day in cross border trade while the undocumented from Mexico make up the majority of US undocumented.

American taxpayers are victims of illegal immigration too.  They suffer the consequences of over-crowded hospital emergency rooms, school rooms, job losses, and unfair demographic changes to their towns as a result of the 11.2 million undocumented influx into the US.

Many Americans refuse to see that Washington's decades-long, insidious system of profit/labor-driven illegal immigration and profit/corporate driven immigration reform for border security boodle are the corrupt, underlying reasons that illegal immigration is never solved. 

How does a country that claims to be "One Nation Under God" permit this ungodly, inhumane insanity to continue?


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Washington's Immigration Reform: A Rebooting Of the Insidious Status Quo

Washington's Immigration Reform:  A Rebooting Of the Insidious Status Quo

Are we really so dumbed down that we can't figure out what Washington's attempt at immigration reform is really about?

First and foremost it does not address its own trading policies (NAFTA/CAFTA) as exacerbating the very conditions in the undocumenteds home countries that push them here.  Take a peek at the Senate's S. 744: Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act

Do you see one single reference to poverty as the root cause of illegal immigration to the US?   

Now scroll down to Section 6 "Comprehensive Reform Funding" (a)(2)(A) to see the initial $46.3 billion tax payer price tag. For extra corrupt Arizona pork, 200 million for Arizona Prosecutions (S.744 Section 6 (a)(3)(C)(2)(B)(i) referenced in 1104(a)(1) 200 million more for Arizona's and FEMA "Operation Stonegarden" (S.744 Section 6 (a)(3)(C)(2)(B)(ii) referenced in Section 1104(b) 

They expect you to not read the fine print.

Of course not.  If Washington addressed poverty it would demonstrate its own complicity in creating US illegal immigration.

Meanwhile read our US Department of State's glowing report of "our" relations with Mexico:

1.25 billion dollars in NAFTA elite cross border trade per day yet the Mexican undocumented keep coming. 

Read VP Joe Biden's recent speech made to the Mexican economic elite:

Biden talks a lot about the bright future of US/Mexico trade.  He even promises to bring the undocumented "out of the shadows".  Yet not one word about border crossing deaths or the costs and consequences of illegal immigration upon the American public.

Washington's immigration reform simultaneously reboots their "undocumented counter" back to zero by legalizing 11.2 million people while ignoring poverty as their self-created root cause of illegal immigration.



Thursday, March 20, 2014

Slowing Down Deportations Without Solving Illegal Immigration Is More Of The Same Insanity

Slowing Down Deportations Without Solving Illegal Immigration Is More Of The Same Insanity
All of the emotional upheaval, political pandering, political threats, protests, human suffering, border crossing deaths and the deaths of US citizens at the hands of the small amount of undocumented who are hardened criminals camouflage the root cause of illegal immigration. 

It is horrible that the undocumented have to make the choice to leave their homes and families.  It is horrible that most Americans do not realize Washington's profiteering trade policies with the undocumenteds' home country economic elite actually exacerbate their disparity in wealth, poverty and illegal immigration.  

Anyone who bothers to listen to middle-class America knows that the presence of the undocumented in the US affects jobs, overburdened health care, overcrowded school systems and unfair home town demographics. All of this plus billions of dollars spent on border security and it is no wonder that Americans have had it with Washington's lies.

The undocumented are being ripped off for cheap labor and remittances.  US taxpayers are being ripped off for billions of dollars in border security reform plus having to live with the consequences of continued illegal immigration and ensuing immigration reform.

All of the above is what our politicians and immigration advocates need to start talking about to get Americans interested in real "immigration reform".


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Scam Is Pretty Simple: Billions In Remittances Send Home In Exchange For Cheap Labor And Billions In "Reform" Tax Dollars

In response:

The Scam Is Pretty Simple: Billions In Remittances Send Home In Exchange For Cheap Labor And Billions In "Reform" Tax Dollars

If Washington would stand up to that cartel run Mexican kleptocracy instead of coddling it for legal and illegal economic gain, we could stop 90% of the problems stemming from the bi-national economic elite's system of self-induced illegal immigration.

Meanwhile the undocumented pay the price as do the US taxpayers who suffer the direct costs and consequences of this decades-old illegal immigration scam.

One has to wonder why Washington supports a continuing, failed Mexican Drug War that has - since 2006 - sacrificed some 140,000 lives, yet denies the majority of asylum cases coming from Mexico.

Mexican asylum cases are insidiously denied because Washington will not do anything to upset the flow of trade and laborers coming into the US from Mexico - legal or not.

America needs to wake up. Failed immigration for profit is no different than failed health care, failed drug wars, failed military wars, and failed regulations of banks which brought about the preventable Great Recession of 2008.

They profit from many decades of "fighting" all aspects of these issues rather than developing solutions that would benefit the masses.

Finally, how does the US elite treat their Mexican drug war cohorts?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Immigration Reform Must Address All Injustices Not Just The Select Few

In response:

Immigration Reform Must Address All Injustices Not Just The Select Few

Is it human nature for immigration advocates to fight against the injustices that only directly affects them the most?  Or is their fight actually part of Washington's brainwashing that historically keeps Washington's insidious system of profit/labor driven illegal immigration and profit- driven reform in place?

How is it that immigration advocates want deportations stopped yet they say noting about the US and home-country economic elite's creation of the very conditions that cause illegal immigration and ensuing deportations to begin with? 

Stopping deportations will not stop Washington's NAFTA and CAFTA trading policies that have for decades exacerbated the undocumented's home country and US disparities in wealth, poverty and illegal immigration to the US. 

Stopping deportations will not stop the number of border crossing deaths.  Stopping deportations and passing immigration reform will undoubtedly promote future undocumented people's dreams of a chance at US prosperity, future reform and continued illegal immigration to the US.

This current corrupt system maintained by the US and undocumenteds' home country economic elite uses the undocumented for labor and remittances.  It also uses US taxpayers for billions in border security boodle while directly sending the undocumenteds' medical, educational and job loss costs and consequences to those same taxpayers.

I will only support immigration reform when it addresses all of the injustices to all people concerned and not just the selected few.


Saturday, March 15, 2014

People Will Continue To Suffer and Die While Immigration Reform Misses The Mark

In Response:

People Will Continue To Suffer and Die While Immigration Reform Misses The Mark

I ask you to try and remember what it is that causes people to leave their homes and families to come illegally to the US.

I dare say that those people want a chance at a minimum level of prosperity and peace that they can't find at home.

Many Americans will say "That is not our problem.  That is between the undocumented and their own governments.  Deport them all and seal the border".

I ask those Americans to consider that the elite who run Washington and the elite who run the undocumenteds' home country governments conspire to profit from this illegal immigration status quo. 

The US elite get cheap labor and billions of dollars in tax payer's money for border security industries that ultimately prove to be ineffective.  The undocumenteds' elite profit from billions of dollars in remittances being pumped back into their economies.  They in effect "export" some of their own poor in order for those poor to support their home country families and friends. 

Just like America's war on drugs - all of the profits are in this decades old fight and not the fix.   In both the cases of illegal drugs and illegal immigration privatized prisons are full of inmates.  Billions of US tax payers' dollars are pumped down the elite's designed to be ineffective immigration and drug enforcement black holes.   Billions go back to the home economies while US banks launder drug cartel profits for profit.

Don't both enforcement complexes need illegal people and illegal drugs to thrive?  Don't they also need billions of US tax dollars too?

Finally we all have to consider Washington's own NAFTA and CAFTA which provide profit for those same elite while guaranteeing the undocumented's home country disparity in wealth and poverty.   That disparity in wealth, poverty and hopelessness guarantee this insidious system of profit/labor driven illegal immigration resulting in profit/labor driven immigration reform.

No one on either side of the immigration debate is addressing the above points.  That is why the current drive for immigration reform misses the mark. 

Today's immigration reform, as proposed, will only ensure that people will continue to suffer and die.  Eight thousand undocumented have perished trying to cross the border since NAFTA's inception.  How many murders of American citizens have been committed by hardened undocumented criminals as they blend in with the crowds heading north?

Friday, March 14, 2014

Washington's Immigration Reform: The Old "Good Immigration Cop/Bad Immigration Cop Routine"

Washington's Immigration Reform:  The Old "Good Immigration Cop/Bad Immigration Cop Routine"

Is there anyone out there who will wake up to this immigration game Washington is playing? 

This is the old "good immigration cop/bad immigration cop routine" based in pure political greed and nothing else.  

This kleptocracy parading as a democracy uses the undocumented for cheap labor and billions in US taxpayer border security boodle.  Both "sides" cash in on this scam while the documented, undocumented and US taxpayers suffer all of the costs and consequences.

I have not only worked within but studied this scam for three and one half decades.  With that said, here are some simple questions Washington will not ask or answer: 

Would the undocumented come or stay here if they could have a chance at similar prosperity at home?

Has Washington's NAFTA/CAFTA exacerbated poverty and caused the largest influx of undocumented on record?

Why do we pay US Border Patrol Agents to chase people around at night like animals when some of those people are simply trying to put food on their tables and ours?

We are all being jacked around by Washington's insidious system of profit/labor driven illegal immigration and immigration reform. 

Some even die and will continue to die because Washington's greed not only lures and allows hungry people to come here but lures and allows criminals here too. 

Yet no one in Washington will take responsibility for the truth.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Americans Are Unaware of The US and Mexican Elite's Economic, Immigration and Drug War Collusions

In response:

Americans Are Unaware of The US and Mexican Elite's Economic, Immigration and Drug War Collusions 

Most Americans are aware of illegal immigration from Mexico.  Most believe Washington's "immigration reform" rhetoric.  They believe "securing the border" will not only effectively stop illegal immigration but illegal drugs too.

Most Americans really do not understand the depth of the economic ties between the two countries.  1.25 billion dollars a day in cross border trade and America's number two source of oil are facts about Mexico that surprise most Americans.  Read how the US Department of State raves about US relations with Mexico:

Most Americans are also clueless about the ongoing US backed Drug War in Mexico.  Their thinking is "if it is a war against drugs it must be right". 

It is almost as if they can't even imagine that the  US and Mexican governments are in cahoots to use what Author Charles Bowden labels "..... the biggest Cartel of them all - the Mexican Army" and  Chapo Guzman's Sinaloa Cartel to wipe out rival cartel competition.

Are the bi-national elite rewarded for both legal and illegal commerce?  See how VP Joe Biden recently raved about the bright future of the bi-national economic elite and the undocumented in America:  

See how Bill Clinton, Gianna Angelopoulos and Harvard University ignore ex-Mexican President Felipe Calderon's blood stained, corrupt legacy by rewarding him Harvard's First Angelopoulos Global Leader's Award:

See how Washington's "Immigration Reform" bribes 11.2 million undocumented with a chance at US citizenship for 13 years of labor peonage in exchange for 46.3 billion taxpayer's dollars going towards border security boodle.  See Section 2101 "Registered Provisional Immigrant Status" and Section  6 "CIR Funds" (a)(2)(A) (a) of the Senate's already passed S. 744: Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act

Americans need to draw themselves a truthful picture from all of this.  Washington's NAFTA caused and causes illegal immigration.  Talk about Washington shooting us in the foot.  

Corporate America uses undocumented laborers.  Mexico's economy needs remittances and the proceeds of illicit drugs.  The US Border Security Industrial Complex needs illegal immigration, illegal drugs, and "immigration reform" to thrive.  Tens of thousands of innocent Mexicans have been slaughtered in Mexico's continuing US backed drug war.  The bi-national NAFTA elite make 1.25 billion dollars a day in cross border trade.  God only knows how many US banks profit by laundering cartel profits.  Washington has created an insidious profit/labor driven system of illegal immigration and ensuing billions in tax payer funded border security "immigration reforms".

How many more undocumented will die as they cross the border trying to find a bit of prosperity that the bi-national governments have denied them?  How many more US citizens will be victims of crimes committed by undocumented criminals who also find their way through the border with the millions of "economic aliens"?


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Washington Just Hates It When Undocumented People Don't Play Their Profitized Illegal Immigration Game

In response:

Washington Just Hates It When Undocumented People Don't Play Their Profitized Illegal Immigration Game

Oh my God, 150 people not playing their illegal immigration game!  These people are not supposed to walk up to the Otay Mesa Port of Entry and ask for admission.  They are supposed to cross illegally like they and the millions before them have always done.  

What if 150 people turns into 1,500, 15,000, 150,000, 1,500,000, 15,000,000 or more undocumented  people and their supporters jamming up the Border?  What about the 1.25 billion dollars a day in cross border NAFTA trade?

Here are a few question for all of you posters who blame the undocumented for coming to the US. 

Would they come or stay here if their corrupt governments and cultures provided similar opportunities for prosperity at home?

Who prospers by them coming here?

Would they come if the US and Mexican NAFTA elite would not have created such a disparity in wealth in their country or ours?

Would they keep coming here if American corporations, small businesses, and private people would really stop hiring them?

Would they come here if Washington effectively sealed the border and stopped offering "amnesties" or "reforms" that reward them for breaking our laws?

In case you have not figured this out yet, Washington's insidious game of profit driven illegal immigration is all about cheap labor, remittances sent back home and billions in border security boodle from US tax payers.  

And yes, "We The People" suffer the costs and consequences of the decades-old game too.

This has to have Washington, Customs and Border Protection, and DHS freaking out.  Tee he he.


Monday, March 10, 2014

Hunger Strikes Against Deportations With No Protests Against That Which Drives Those Deportations?

In response:

Hunger Strikes Against Deportations With No Protests Against That Which Drives Those Deportations?

Washington's insidious system of profit/labor driven illegal immigration results in the need for immigration reform.  Immigration reform pours billions of US taxpayers' dollars into Washington's cronies'  border security industrial complex.  That reform will draw more undocumented into the US resulting in more deportations.

Wake up folks.  Selfishly solving the deportation symptom of illegal immigration syndrome will not solve illegal immigration or stop deportations. 

I would love to see a nationwide or bi-national hunger strike against Washigton's and Mexico's NAFTA trading policies which exacerbate poverty and the disparities in wealth in both countries which in turn drive illegal immigration to the US which drives the filling of US immigration prisons which in turn drives these resulting deportations.

That is the scandalous treachery and cycle of shame we all should be protesting about.          

Immigration Reform: Trading Illegal Immigration Labor For Border Security Boodle

Immigration Reform:  Trading Illegal Immigration Labor For Border Security Boodle

They will spin this any way they can to try and hide the truth.

Corporate America (who owns Washington) simultaneously intends to profit from illegal immigration labor and billions of US tax dollars in border security boodle.

The undocumented suffer from having to leave their families and homes.  Meanwhile the US and Mexican NAFTA elite share 1.25 billion dollars a day in cross border trade. 

Some undocumented die trying to cross the border for their share of the reform dream.  Some undocumented criminals not only pray on the undocumented but pray on US citizens too as they blend in with the thousands of "economic aliens" crossing the border.

Since 2006 140,000 people have been sacrificed in Mexico's US backed, government sponsored "drug war".  Anyone who does not think that the Mexican government and military are not the biggest cartel of them all is ignorant.  And who indirectly supports that horrendous atrocity taking place in Mexico?  How about Harvard University.

See how VP Biden raves about our economic love affair with Mexico and kisses the Mexican NAFTA elite's "culos".   Read how Biden promises to that the US will take care of the undocumented.

'Ay Dios mio we have met the enemy Pogo.


Washington's Immigration Reform Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost

Washington's Immigration Reform Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost

From the article:

"But Sharry (Frank Sharry of America's Voice immigration rights advocacy group)  said that Republicans like Coffman (US. Rep. Mike Coffman) are fair game. The message to immigrant and Hispanic voters, Sharry said, will be: "He's ineffective. He can't get his party to stop screwing you."

This is the glaring hypocrisy of comprehensive immigration reform.  Mr. Sharry has the gall to think that it only the undocumented, immigrant and Hispanic voters who are being screwed?

We all must get to the heart of Washington's insidious system of profit/labor driven illegal immigration which drives its ensuing profit driven immigration reform for billions of US tax dollars.

Tell us Mr. Sharry how Americans are not also getting screwed by this reform scam?   Who is going to foot the 46.3 billion dollar border security bill that the Senate's S.744 requires?  Who loses jobs to NAFTA and the undocumented that NAFTA pushes here?  Who stands in long emergency room lines with the undocumented?  Who has to suffer unfair demographic changes to their home towns because Washington condones and profits from illegal immigration? 

Washington's immigration chickens are coming home to roost. 

Mr. Sharry do you also advocate for the countless future undocumented who will attempt to enter the US because of Washington's poverty/illegal immigration creating trade policies?  How about the undocumented who will die crossing the border because of their dreams of this or future "reforms"? 

Mr. Sharry do you advocate for the families of the 140,000 people who have died in the ongoing US backed Mexican drug war?  Isn't their deaths a bit more important than undocumented people "getting screwed" by Washington?


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Insidiously Hides The Immigration Corrupt With The Reform Good

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Insidiously Hides The Immigration Corrupt With The Reform Good

In response:

"Comprehensive Reform" also helps the Border Security Industrial complex with 46.3 billion more tax dollars, the Mark Zuckerberg's with thousands more H1-b visa workers to hire instead of hiring US citizens, 200 million more pork dollars/210 more undocumented prosecutions per day for John McCain's Operation streamline, and 200 million more pork dollars for FEMA's Arizona Operation Stonegarden, doubles the size of the US Border Patrol, puts more drones on the border, more judges to prosecute economic undocumented aliens, and puts 11.2 million people in labor peonage for 13 years for at chance at provisional citizenship. 

Ms. Moore have you read the fine print of the Senate's S.744 which the House will most likely adopt?  Or do you only concern yourself with the VAWA part? 
Section 6 "Comprehensive Reform Funding" (a)(2)(A) to see the initial $46.3 billion tax payer price tag. And for extra corrupt Arizona pork, 200 million for Arizona Prosecutions (S.744 Section 6 (a)(3)(C)(2)(B)(i) referenced in 1104(a)(1) 200 million more for Arizona's and FEMA "Operation Stonegarden" (S.744 Section 6 (a)(3)(C)(2)(B)(ii) referenced in Section 1104(b)  

I am not saying VAWA isn't an important issue because it is.  Yet do we have to swallow all of this other reform corruption in order to get some help for these victims? 

What about the undocumented who will continue to die crossing the border as the US and Mexican NAFTA elite rake in 1.25 billion dollars a day in cross border trade?

"Comprehensive" means throwing or hiding everything but the kitchen sink in page after page of government gobbledygook. 

Piecemeal immigration bills serve everyone 's interest much clearer and better. 

Mexico's Drug War: A Government Sponsored Corporate (Cartel) Takeover - Mexican Style

Mexico's Drug War:  A Government Sponsored Corporate (Cartel) Takeover - Mexican Style

At what point do Americans realize Washington's 40+ year long drug war its not about winning the war on drugs but perpetuating privatized drug enforcement budgets and institutionalizing the "fight"?

The most recent and outrageous example is the US backed drug war that Mexican President Felipe Calderon started in 2006.  That "war" continues today despite the fact that 140,000 people have been sacrificed.

It's the war against drugs so it must be right, right?  If that is what you believe than please do us both a favor and read no more.

Tell me what is right about one of the most corrupt governments in the world using its corrupt military to fight rival cartel groups and rival organized crime figures?  Mexico is organized crime and corruption.  Calderon's 2006 drug war was and still is nothing but a government sponsored corporate takeover - Mexican style.

Then we have Washington's silence. Check out these speeches by Obama and Biden.  As Obama faced  ground zero for the Mexican drug war - Ciudad Juarez, he made his 2011 "comprehensive immigration reform" speech from El Paso TX.  Obama insults all of us who know and care as he remains completely silent about the war zone just  a stone's throw away behind the border fence.

Then we have the glorious economic ravings of Biden made in Mexico to Mexico's NAFTA elite:

Did it ever occur to you that Mexico's economy would collapse if the US effectively stopped illegal drugs and illegal immigration?

The final slap in the face:  Harvard's elite ignoring the blood stained legacy of Mexico's US Drug War Puppet Felipe Calderon:


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Why Do Immigration Reformists Purposely Ignore The Cause Of Illegal Immigration?

In response:

Why Do Immigration Reformists Purposely Ignore The Cause Of Illegal Immigration?

When negotiating immigration reform why do we all disregard the fact that Washington's NAFTA and CAFTA exacerbate the undocumenteds' home-country poverty which exacerbates illegal immigration to the US?

It's your self-induced poverty you Washington estupidos. 


11.2 million undocumented who trade 13 years of provisional labor for a chance at citizenship

US corporations and companies who will continue hire this and the next wave of undocumented

The Corrections Corporation of America (privatized immigration prisons) as guaranteed more inmates

The Mark Zuckerberg's who will hire foreign high tech H1-b visa workers over Americans

The John McCain's who will receive crony border industrial complex votes and political contributions

US Defense Contractors who will receive billons in border security boodle

Political profiteers who use immigration issues to obtain votes.

The undocumenteds' home country elite who will continue to have billions dollars in remittances pumped back into their economy.


US citizens who lose jobs to the undocumented, suffer overcrowded hospital emergency rooms and unfair demographic changes to their home towns.

Foreign nationals who will continue to suffer the NAFTA/CAFTA caused disparity in wealth and poverty in their home countries.  Foreign nationals who will continue to be coerced and lured into leaving their homes and illegally entering the US for work and the next immigration reform program.

Foreign Nationals who try to cross the border for a chance a prosperity and will die in the process.

US citizens who will suffer crimes committed against them by the criminal element of those who illegally cross the border.

The US Border Patrol who will continue to try and differentiate "economic aliens" from actual criminals.

All Americans who are put at a greater terrorism risk because of Washington's insidious system of profit-driven illegal immigration and immigration reform.


Friday, March 7, 2014

Overlooking Washington's Immigration Corruption - Is Wrong

Overlooking Washington's Immigration Corruption - Is Wrong

How is corruption defined by Merriam Webster?  "Dishonest or illegal behavior especially by powerful people (such as government officials or police officers)".

Speaking as a retired US Border Patrol/INS/ICE agent, I say that the reason Washington can't get its immigration act together is because of corruption.

Anyone who thinks that (despite laws against it) the hiring and labor of undocumented workers is not sought after and used by corporate and private America - is wrong.

Anyone who thinks that Washington's own profitable NAFTA and CAFTA have not exacerbated illegal immigration to the US - is wrong.

Anyone who thinks that the US elite who run Washington will allow for effective border and interior enforcement of illegal immigration - is wrong.

Anyone who thinks that the undocumenteds' home country governments do not benefit by the billions in remittances being sent back home annually - is wrong.

Anyone who thinks that the US border security industrial complex does not profit from illegal immigration prisons and billions in border security reform boodle - is wrong.

Anyone who does not see the comparison of Washington's ineffective (yet profitable) 40 year-long war on drugs and illegal immigration - is wrong.

Anyone who thinks that the Mark Zuckerberg's of High Tech America who support comprehensive immigration reform won't profit from hiring foreign high-tech H1-b visa workers over American workers - is wrong.

Anyone who thinks that the lobbyists for Big Agriculture aren't against a workable H-2b agricultural visa program - is wrong.

Anyone who thinks that Washington does not turn a blind eye to the ongoing and profitable Mexican Drug War (140,000 sacrificed to date) -  is wrong.

Anyone who thinks that Washington does not put i's elite's economic concerns above the lives of US citizens and the undocumented - is wrong.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Washington's Complicity In Creating America's Illegal Immigration Nightmare

In response:

Washington's Complicity In Creating America's Illegal Immigration Nightmare

There is profit to be made using illegal immigration as a path for cheap labor, border security billions, political gain, and the ensuring/inevitable "immigration reform" that surely must follow.

Washington's own NAFTA and CAFTA exacerbate the undocumenteds' home-country poverty,  disparity in wealth and illegal immigration to the US.

US citizens are left suffering the costs and consequences of this scam.  Have you been to a hospital emergency room in a large city in California in the last 20 years?  Did you notice that the Senate's S.744 asked for 46.3 billon more in US taxpayer funded border security boodle? 

Our country is less safe as Washington's immigration and trade policies require the US Border Patrol to try and figure out who the real terrorists are in this continuing, decades-long parade of  tens of thousands of hungry people seeking some chance at prosperity.

These Washington immigration reform profiteers will do anything but admit Washington's own complicity in creating America's illegal immigration nightmare.


Washington's Profit-Driven Illegal Immigration Drives Their Profit-Driven Immigration Reform

Washington's Profit-Driven Illegal Immigration Drives Their Profit-Driven Immigration Reform

I wonder if Mayor Garcetti has anything to say about the role the corrupt Mexican government plays in pushing its own citizens into the US illegally? 

Or how about the billions in remittances those "exported" Mexican citizens send home to Mexico each year?

Please tell us Mayor Garcetti why the bi-national NAFTA elite share some 1.25 billion dollars a day in cross border trade while the disparity in wealth in both countries (and number of Mexican undocumented in the US) continue to grow?

Or how about the ongoing Mexican drug war that to date has resulted in the deaths of some 140,000 people?  How does that fact compare with the inhumanity of  Obama's deportations?

Or how about the 8,000 migrant border crossing deaths since NAFTA's inception?  Where is your protest for those poor souls Mr. Garcetti?

Mayor Garcetti's words parrot Washington's continued use of the Mexican undocumented and US taxpayers as pawns in Washington's insidious system of  profit/labor driven illegal immigration driving profit-driven immigration reform.

It isn't only the undocumented that Washington has coming and going.   US taxpayers are suffering the costs and consequences of this insidious game.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Immigration Reform: Both Parties Have Painted Themselves Into A Tight Corner With No Apparent Exit

In response:

Immigration Reform:  Both Parties Have Painted Themselves Into A Tight Corner With No Apparent Exit 

Do we listen to the corporate sector who wants undocumented laborers to keep on coming?

Do we listen to "BIG AGRA" lobbyists who profit most from undocumented laborers?

Do we listen to the border security sector who wants billions more in US taxpayer border security boodle? 

Do we listen to reform activists who demand the end of family separating, "innocent" deportations and threaten political retribution at election time? 

Do we listen to US taxpayers who have had it with decades-long, ineffective border and interior enforcement?

Do we ignore the fact that NAFTA actually increased illegal immigration to the US and that 8,000 undocumented have died trying to cross the border since NAFTA's inception?

Do we listen to the Mark Zuckerberg's of the high tech world who have tried to parlay the undocumenteds' plight into more H1-b visas for profit?

Do we listen to bi-national corporate profiteers and investors who rave about our economic ties with Mexico but ignore that poverty will still fuel illegal immigration?

Do we ignore that Mexico is our second largest source of oil?

Do we continue to ignore the Mexican Drug War that has slaughtered some 140,000 of its own citizens?

Monday, March 3, 2014

Immigration Reform Has Got "We The People" and "They The Undocumented" Coming and Going

In response:

Immigration Reform Has Got "We The People" and "They The Undocumented" Coming and Going

Are Americans lazy, brainwashed, or just too busy to figure out what Washington's system of profit/labor driven illegal immigration and ensuing immigration reform are all about?

People come here illegally because they are hungry.  Washington's own NAFTA and CAFTA exacerbate poverty and the huge disparity in wealth in the undocumenteds' home counties.

Washington's corporate sponsors profit from undocumented labor.  Then they profit from the humungous border security boodle contracts that their political shills award them.   They have "We The People" and "They The Undocumented" literally coming and going by maintaining the insidious illegal immigration status quo.

The undocumented primarily pay with labor and family separation.  US tax payers pay with their tax dollars and unjust demographic changes to their home towns. 

Meanwhile, some undocumented die crossing the border and some US citizens die by the hands of the real undocumented criminals who slip through the cracks too.

With all that said, Washington's millionaire politicians live way above the costs and consequence normal taxpayers pay from this insane merry-go-round.


Immigration Reform - Emotionally Driven On The Streets; Profit Driven In Washington

In response:

Immigration Reform - Emotionally Driven On The Streets;  Profit Driven In Washington

On one hand - immigration reform activists justifiably angry and protesting in the streets.  On the other -  American taxpayers justifiably angry and protesting about pending immigration reform.
Generally they blame each other while nothing really gets done to satisfy either side.   

As a retired US Border Patrol/INS/ICE agent I have come to the conclusion that this insidious system is running exactly as designed and has been for 35 years that I am aware of.

Despite US laws and enforcement set up to thwart illegal immigration,  the US corporate elite (who run Washington) profit from illegal immigration labor and billions in "border security reform" tax dollars used to promise to stop it.

Meanwhile Washington immigration profiteers have the two groups arguing and fighting with each other rather than encouraging them to join together to fix it.  

This mess is ultimately about corporate-run Washington insidiously using illegal immigration and reform for the simultaneous abuse of undocumented labor and US taxpayers for contracted border security boodle.

Immigration activists who turn up the volume of their protests are unknowingly playing right into Washington's game.  They further galvanize the two sides while shooting themselves in their own feet.

And anti-immigration reform activists are doing the same.  Meanwhile Washington will continue to pretend to be on their side too.  

The net result?  Continued illegal immigration, immigration reform, border deaths, and over-crowded American hospital emergency rooms.