
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Immigration Reform: Washington's Insidious Goal Is to Perpetuate Their System of Profit-Driven Illegal Immigration And Reform

In response:

Immigration Reform:  Washington's Insidious Goal Is to Perpetuate Their System of Profit-Driven Illegal Immigration And Reform

Over one half of the undocumented who cross the border illegally (versus visa overstays) are Mexican.  Another 10% or more are from Central America. 

Tell me.  Would the majority of these people come or stay in the US if they had a fair chance at prosperity living and working safely at home?

Tell me.  Why does Washington support NAFTA and CAFTA free trade policies that create poverty in the undocumenteds' home countries which exacerbate their illegal immigration to the US and the necessity for immigration "reform"?

Profitized illegal immigration (for cheap labor) and immigration reform (for billions in border security tax dollars) have become institutionalized in Washington.

Just like their 40+ year failed "war on drugs" their goal is not to solve the problem; their goal is to perpetuate it for profit.  Profit at the cost and suffering of not only the undocumented but US taxpayers too.  

Take a look at the "Gang of 8's" funding requests for their S. 744: Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act in Section 6 which the House will surely copy:

 Pay particular attention for the Arizona pork loaded on Sections 1104(a) and (b).  Research the insidious natures of "Operation Streamline" and "Operation Stonegarden".   Immigration reform is all about money being made off the undocumented and US taxpayers.

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