
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Immigration Reform Bribes The Undocumented For Labor and US Taxpayers For Border Security Billions

In response:

Immigration Reform Bribes The Undocumented For Labor and US Taxpayers For Border Security Billions

As far as Washington's decades old mindset for comprehensive immigration reform is concerned, doing noting would be most beneficial to Americans at this time.

This entire push is nothing less than bribery to the undocumented and the US citizen taxpayers.
The undocumented are bribed with a promise of possible and conditional US citizenship in exchange for 13 years of labor peonage. 

US taxpayers are bribed with yet another Washington promise of effective border enforcement in exchange for billions more of their tax dollars pumped into Washington's crony border security black hole.

Washington will do their "high fives" without  having to explain how their corrupt  trading partner pushes 62% of our undocumented here while enjoying 1.25 billion dollars a day in cross border trade.
Oh yes, and don't forget that Washington approved Mexican drug war that has left some 120,000 people slaughtered. 

How can those two problems (Mexican poverty and the Mexican drug war) be dismissed during reform talks when 62% of our undocumented come from Mexico? 

And what about the deaths of the undocumented crossing the border?  The more "secure" the border gets the more people die crossing.

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