
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Immigration Reform: For "We The People" Or "We The Kleptocracy"?

In response:

Immigration Reform:  For "We The People" Or "We The Kleptocracy"?

Start asking questions about why these 10 CEO's support immigration reform.  Is it out of the goodness of their hearts and caring for the undocumented and American taxpayers?  Of is their support simply their insidious version of the old "bate and switch" routine that only fattens their pockets?  

This comprehensive immigration reform calls for the increase of H1-b visas (high tech workers) from 65,000 per year to 115,000 per year.  These companies obviously have a sharp interest in immigration reform because they can pay foreign workers less than US workers.  

Do you suppose the Motorola CEO has any interests in reform's open-ended, border security contracts for billions upon billions of US tax dollars?  19,000 or maybe 38,000 walkie-talkies, 24 hour surveillance equipment, watch towers, camera systems, mobile surveillance systems, 1,000 distress beacons?

The Marriot CEO of that hotel conglomerate - does Marriot have any interests in legalizing present undocumented workers or encouraging more undocumented workers to come to the US for Marriot business interests?

These people are a bunch of self-serving hypocrites.   Comprehensive immigration reform boils down to some type of monetary advantage for all of these CEO's business interests. 

By the way, I wonder what their annual salaries are?  Do you think they actually represent "We The People" or We The Kleptocracy? 

Beyond all this, and maybe with the exception of Gates, who in this elite rich man or woman's club  will take a stand against the undocumenteds' home country poverty that pushed those undocumented here and continues to cause immense suffering to begin with?

Who in this group really stands for the poor people who will - because of this reform - become the next wave of US undocumented?  What about the Americans who for decades now have suffered the costs and the consequences of  the elite's poverty driven/profit driven illegal immigration status quo?

Nope.  They try and pass comprehensive reform by doing their own insidious version of the old "bate and switch" scam.  They use the very real, tragic and unjust stories of the undocumented to emotionally suck Americans into immigration reform, then they comprehensively pack that immigration reform bus with their H1-b visa and border security sections that increase their and their cronies' profits while throwing American taxpayers and workers under that same immigration reform bus.

If you look at this hard enough you will understand why Washington never effectively enforces border or interior immigration laws.  They need the never ending supply of illegal immigration in order to justify their never-ending requests for border security tax dollars.  They also need their never ending supply of deportations to keep immigration prisons full and give Americans the "proof" that something is being done about the problem. Yet with record deportations and apprehensions, Washington is trying to pass another amnesty AKA immigration reform.   I wonder why, do you?

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